"A sound mind lies in the sound body" " Hum Fit to India fit"
Various activities are conducted in the Vidyalaya which are as under:
In connection with FIT INDIA week the following activities are to be conducted as per the schedule given:
1. 11/12/2020 - Poster making for students of Class IV and V
(Topic -HUM FIT HAI TO INDIA FIT) The students will make posters and send the photos to their class teachers.
2. 14/12/2020 - Rope Skipping Challenge for students of Class IV and V (Class teachers to conduct google meet at 8:30 am)
3. 16/12/2020 - The students will go through the given links and perform the activities, take pics and post them to their class teachers.
a) Fun with Cricket
b) Hacky sack at home
c) Mosquito bat and tt ball fr badminton
d) Fitness circuit